Bunner’s Vegan & Gluten Free Bakeshop Illustration Series

Bunner’s Vegan & Gluten Free Bakeshop in Toronto, ON, based out of the hip and energetic Kensington Market, connected with me to help redesign some elements of the brand and create character illustrations and scenes for various elements. With so much creative freedom, a preexisting edgy and vintage style and the owner’s vision and excitement, this project was a perfect fit.

A few of the character designs had already been designed, but they were looking for cleaner and digital versions. Drawing each original and new character with pencil and ink, confirmed character designs were then created into digital versions in Adobe Illustrator. Individual characters are now used across their labels and website. I also had the opportunity to create a few scenes with the new characters, with the “Little Dude” (main logo and first product, the Supersonic cookie) as the main focus, which would then be used on T-shirts, fabric bags, postcards with baked goods deliveries, and more.



Al Fresco on Front Illustration